This all means that they are on bad behavior and so am I. At least I was. I'm trying really hard to go back to my better self.
This morning I was really dreading the week ahead. We're getting ready to take a much bigger road trip to travel and visit my husband's parents, brothers... I'm not dreading the visit. Just the packing. And I always get really nervous about the drive. When I was little I was a major worrier and I've shed most of those worries but for some reason I still get nervous about wrecking when we travel.
Anyways, I was in a funk. I read a really good blog post that reminded me I should be praying for help. I don't normally feel this overwhelmed. Perhaps I'm under some sort of attack. Anyways, I offered up some prayers to my usual crew of saints and went back to feeding the baby.
Afterwards I checked my email and I had the best surprise waiting for me. My husband (who has shouldered the bulk of my funk) sent me the sweetest poem to cheer me up. I think only other poem he wrote me was when we got engaged 9 years ago. So needless to say I was surprised and teary and happy. Then I started to wonder if my saint-friends had played any part in this lovely consolation. Shout out to St. Therese, St. John, St. Anne, St. Joachim, and Our Lady!
I had to get some groceries and decided I could use a little treat as an uplift. I remembered Rachel Balducci commented on some peppermint mocha creamer, and that seems to be doing the trick!
I'm taking it easy today. I have a hundred million things to do. But it's not even worth it to do any right now. There is a two-year-old birthday girl crying in her room because she'd rather play than nap. Next door, the resident three-year-old is reading books instead of napping, so you know he'll be bananas tonight at the birthday party. I think I'd better store up my energy for things to come.
I'm also planning a night out with myself tomorrow. I've got ravioli in the freezer and some sauce thawing out so I can whip up dinner as soon as my husband is home and then run away.
I'd better wrap this up so I can fit in some extra prayers before I have to give in and let the children loose to tackle each other and scream and wake the baby and all that good brother-sister stuff.
I'm sharing this because I know we all have bad days. Sometimes we need to take a break from life so that we can re-enter it with love and charity.
P.S. That list of virtues on the fridge is helping a little, too.
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